Saturday, January 21, 2017

Guess What?!
If you guessed ANOTHER Kenya Team is starting up ~ You get the Star!

We're just in the beginning stages with our first meeting tomorrow!
I will keep you aprised of our progress as we go forward!!

Stay tuned....

Monday, March 10, 2014

**NEW Dates!!**

Oops!  We had a date snafu!
          The new (approx) dates:

July 2nd ~ July 19th

Hoping the new date works better for everyone!  

The extra time will help for fundraising and give time for collecting supplies.

We've had an offer of a large amount of dress shoes for men.
We're doing a reading glasses ministry ~ so exciting to be able to give the gift of sight!

We'll be photographing each of the children; give computer classes; skits, songs, balloon hats, sports and letter writing!  Maybe even a video!

We've also got a fundraiser in the works for April, and so many more possibilities!

Stay tuned...

Debbi -


Monday, February 10, 2014

Get Set for Another Adventure!

Look for exciting adventures to come for:

  • Alex
  • Bareq
  • Chris
  • Kim
  • Lauren
  • Lisa
  • Mark
  • Mike
  • Nicole
  • Ruth
  • Scott
  • Skip and
  • Valarie
 as they prepare for their trip to Kenya, this coming June, 2014!!
All are currently involved in learning what to expect, deciding how/what to take with them to bless the Children of Nairobi along what to teach or help them to do, i.e. soccer, write letters, pizza party, etc...
Stay tuned as we travel with them in our thoughts, hearts and prayers!
It's all rather exciting!!
Debbi ~


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sight – it’s a wonderful thing!

Yesterday, Friday, October 19th, Gary & Felix left for Kenya on a Sight Ministries / Eyes of Faith mission trip; they’ll be gone one week.

Their plan is to see approximately 500 – 700 daily, for two days… then take their mission on the road for two days, to reach those “in the bush” who cannot come to the town, or cannot travel.

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  --1 John 1:1-3

They’ll be in the town of Kiserian, in the Rift Valley; approximately one hour (SW), give or take, from Nairobi.  I love the name of their hotel: Whispering Thorns

Their trip is two-fold.  They’ll be bringing Jannekah an ultrasound machine for her midwifery ministry; a laptop to run it, along with four gallons of gel to use with it.  And of course, goodies for their cute kids and other items for Martin.

Please keep Gary and Felix in your heart and prayers; that God would provide safe travels and sustain through a busy week.

They return October 27th, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another Trip!

Wow!  Where does the time go!

We've got a preliminary meeting set up, kind of 'just the facts, ma'am'!

When: Thursday, November 1st
Where: Houghton Starbucks
Time: 6:45 - 8:45

Know of anyone interested in going ~
     please pass the word ~ and do join us as well!

Friday, August 10, 2012

What Has God Been Showing You?

Where?  The Cacanindin Home
When?  Friday, August 17th
Time? 5:30 - ?
Reason?  We miss being together; Fellowship & Fun!

Address in email!
See you there!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

~ Asante Sana ~

Photo courtesy of Theresa Hogensen - Last Sunrise
The Team is just about arriving in Dubai this very moment (5am Dubai time).  They'll have almost four hours to hang out in the airport before boarding for home (Joyce & Donna will play another day in Dubai).  They arrive 2pm-ish Wednesday, June 27th!
God bless you!
Debbi -

Saying goodbye to Kenya. Asante sana [thank you very much], you have been amazing!!! Bwana asifiwe [Praise God]!!!

All packed and ready to head out to airport. Last day at Nairobi. This place will always be special to us. I can't wait to bring my family back here.

We'll be leaving for the airport soon...What an amazing time...