Thursday, May 24, 2012

Two and a Half Weeks!

Packing is done!  Last minute personal packing taking place.  Last minute dubu making also going on.  Prayer chain taking shape... as are the butterflies... and the itinerary in hand! 

How exciting is this?!!?!!

"Father God, please watch over this team.  Walk with their every step, wherever they go, whatever they do.  Keep them from harm, keep them safe from satan's attacks.  Please keep them from getting sick, and keep their spirits high.  Remind them WHO they are in You... Your child, stepping out in faith, stepping out of their comfort zone to bless another.  Let them grow together, let them grow closer to you.  Protect their hearts, Lord... and let the fun begin!  In Jesus' sweet name, we pray. Amen"

Love you guys!!!
Debbi ~

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