Tuesday, June 26, 2012

~ Asante Sana ~

Photo courtesy of Theresa Hogensen - Last Sunrise
The Team is just about arriving in Dubai this very moment (5am Dubai time).  They'll have almost four hours to hang out in the airport before boarding for home (Joyce & Donna will play another day in Dubai).  They arrive 2pm-ish Wednesday, June 27th!
God bless you!
Debbi -

Saying goodbye to Kenya. Asante sana [thank you very much], you have been amazing!!! Bwana asifiwe [Praise God]!!!

All packed and ready to head out to airport. Last day at Nairobi. This place will always be special to us. I can't wait to bring my family back here.

We'll be leaving for the airport soon...What an amazing time...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Last Days...

I LOVE the "tease" in Skip's second paragraph... the only way to know what the morning surprise was is to sign on for the next trip… unless you catch someone off guard and they spill the beans!!  Sounds intriguing!

The team leaves in less than 24 hours (5am local time Wednesday; 7pm Seattle time Tuesday), or the start of their travel to the airport and beyond.  They’ll be spending their time packing, traveling and saying their goodbyes.  Please be praying for traveling mercies, protection, peace for the journey, relaxation, processing and clarity and most important to hear God’s voice on what HE wants them to take from this trip.

Reminder: Most of the team arrives 1:40pm, Wednesday, June 27th; Emiratis flight EK229, and after going thru Customs you’ll see their smiling faces, tho maybe tired faces.  However, TWO members are remaining in Dubai for a little over a day, so please keep Donna and Joyce in your hearts and prayers.  They arrive Friday – I do not have their flight info.

I doubt they’ll have time for another update, but if so I will pass that along… I have enjoyed keeping you informed!
Debbi -

From Donna:
Rhino girl and baby - double check. Leopard hunting in the morning. Last chance.

Another great day in paradise. Two safaris today and many more animals added to the list including a lion eating its zebra kill (15-20 feet from us), rhinos, hyenas, warthogs, and more. We also saw a lioness climb a tree and her cub then followed. Don't plan on getting away from a lion by climbing a tree.

We had a huge surprise after this morning's safari but you must come here yourself to find out what it is.

Some of our folks went to a Masai village today and others went to a Masai dance at the hotel, and others just relaxed around the pool.

We will continue to celebrate Alice's birthday tonight at dinner.

We are all blown away by the contrast between this place and what we have recently experienced.
After the safari tomorrow (we still have not seen the leopard) we will start the long journey home after a brief stop at the orphanage in Langata.

{all photos off the internet}

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Masaai Mara Serengeti

This morning we boarded a flight from a commuter terminal to the Masai Mara section of the Serengeti. After a gourmet lunch (the Serene lodge is four star and has its own desert chef) the team loaded into three separate vehicles for a safari. During the two hour trip we saw:  elephants, gazelles, impalas, topi, crocodiles, hippos, guinea fowl, cheetah, giraffe, zebras, jackals, enormous vultures, plovers, cape buffalo, lizards, mongoose, and others I forgot.

After a marvelous dinner we had a short meeting before retiring to rooms that emulate cave dwellings but are very luxurious. That reminds me, we also saw baboons. We must be careful to not leave our windows open if we leave our rooms because the baboons will come in and steal stuff.

Tomorrow morning another safari before breakfast.


{all pictures off the internet}

Serena Lodge - Masaai Mara section of the Serengeti
In just an hour, the Team heads down to Masaai Mara Serengeti for a couple of days of relaxation, enjoying safaris… continued prayer for traveling mercies, protection, being able to process all they’ve done, and seen and rest and fun!

God bless you!
Debbi -

Out of Pride Rock.......

Today [Saturday] we stayed at the Langata orphanage and guesthouse all day. We played with the children, had a pizza party (the children's all time favorite thing), gave them presents, took a few more portraits, and did some craft work with them. After dinner we began packing for the safari trip tomorrow and for our return home.

Every night after dinner we have devotions. Tonight was Joyce's turn and she was great.

Hung out with 70 kids at Grace Children Center. They are so sweet and bright children ,,,1/2 of them are HIV positive and they so want hugs and touch from us more than anything else. Pizza party was a hit...some little ones ate more than 6 slices(lol)

Off to see some baby elephants, Cinderella bird, and maybe a lion on the hunt:)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Pictures or words cannot adequately describe...

“Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?  Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:24b; 25

Feed My Babies Video: http://vimeo.com/20838957 (filmed at the Rueben Slum)

Today’s plan: Shopping, lunch; followed by more pictures and letter writing.  Tomorrow, more time with the Langata children, a “special ministry” which includes a pizza party!  Please keep them lifted in prayer as things start to wind down.  Individually as well as a group, they’ll process all they’ve seen, touched, experienced… which can be overwhelming.  Continued prayer for protection, health, rest and joy!

From Donna:
Last full day of mission ministries...visited the Nikuri slums, very poor conditions, not even basic needs are met there unless you consider living next to a sewage and garbage dump in a closet size room made from scraps of metal, wood and cloth. Ended the day in a boarding school with high school age kids listening to Gôôýä Martin rap and talk. Tomorrow is shopping day, hard to think about shopping when kids here are hungry and living on survival mode :(

From Tracy:
This day began with visit to Kibera slum. We visited other slums before but this one was just overwhelming. Then we joined rapper Martin Guya and his team at Le Pic school and I had privilege to give testimony along with three other team members. it was so cool to see how Holy Spirit ordained each message and 60 high school kids accepted Christ!!!!

From Skip:
This morning the entire team visited the Kibera slum. This Nairobi slum is the second largest on the African continent. While there we went to the CMIA Church on the Rock, school, and feeding program. The feeding program feeds 1400 to 1600 kids every day and measurably improves their potential. We gave gifts to the teachers and children and took a short walking tour through a part of the slum. Pictures or words cannot adequately describe what we experienced.
We returned to our home base in Langata for lunch and then most of the team went out to meet Martin and Jannekah while some of the team stayed in Langata to attend classrooms and play with the kids.

Those meeting Martin, Janne, and Martin's ministry team joined them at the Le Pic boarding school for boys and girls. The school has 820 students and about half of them board there. Martin and his team performed for the high school students (about 300) and thoroughly enjoyed it. They were also blessed by testimonies and prayer from Tracy, Donna, Jace, Jeff, and Cindy.  Afterwards the school provided tea and pastries and before we left Janne arranged for the delivery of a bag of samosas for our bus ride home. 

Tonight Karen Lange gave a devotion from Romans chapter seven.

Thank you again for all your prayers.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Heard from lots of people… enjoy!

From Alice:
Hello, everyone! Still in Kenya. Keeping really busy. Learning and experiencing a LOT.

Who would have thought having a sit down toilet was a luxury item? Just completed a 5 day tour of West Kenya! Amazing scenery and people!

We are back to Langata after being in Kisumu and Gombe. We were super touched to see Feed My Babies sign and even more see the 500 children all walking in from the field for the Cup of porridge (Tracy had a dream in Nov. of many African orphans coming in from the field:) ). What an overwhelming joy to SEE the difference FMB is making. Also, dedicated the Gombe church as well. We are all well. Going to Kibera slum tomorrow and Yani and Martin's in the eve. Shopping Friday. We have done straight ministry since we arrived so looking forward to it. We have not been out to lunch dinner yet. But GOOD ministry. Tracy did a documentary video of our scary room in bondo. Hillarious!

Back in Nairobi from 5 days on the road visiting several orphanages and brand new church on the Rock dedication. What a sight it was to see 500 children running to receive porridge..fields and fields of them. feed My Babies is the only feeding program in entire county. When God called me to Feed My Babies, He said to me,"open thy mouth and I will fill it"
all the promises of God are "yes"

From Tracy via Rob Unoki (on Tracy’s facebook):
Just got the most amazing email from Tracy sharing their experience visiting the Feed My Babies feeding station partnering with Christian Ministries In Africa...

"We did a lot but the high light of last 5 days were when we visited Gombe. As bus drove to gombe, we saw feed my babies sign. We were part of another new church on the rock dedication. That was special. Then it was lunch time and we saw kids running towards us for porridge. They keep coming Robert...so many of them...500 to be exact. That was the exact vision god gave me in my dream while back. God is doing amazing work here through CMIA. We are the only feeding program in this county."

PTL for his goodness and all of you who support Feed My Babies and CMIA. Your resources are making a difference and changing lives!

From Karen C
Just back from Gombe, (gom bay) Village, in east Africa by Lake Victoria. If you find Kisumu,it is very close.

We traveled by small bus (capacity 20) and drove six hours the first day. The country is lush and green. We spotted a thunder storm ahead and stopped on the side if the road to secure a tarp over the luggage on the roof. The roads were under repair and travel was slower than usual. Lots of bumps, some made by nature others by man. Travel on the 'freeway is interesting that there are double bump speed bumps, sometimes triple bumps, placed usually by small towns but they come up randomly as well. So consistent speed travel is non-existent.

We thankfully made it safely back to Langata in Nairobi by plane. It was a thirty'five minute flight. Sure beats eight hours on the bus. Have yet to see other than zebras, any large wild animals. Lots of cows, goats, sheep and chickens. While we were eating lunch in Gombe, a rooster joined us in the room. He was evidently escaping the rath of the head rooster. The children loved their bears And quillows.

**All excerpts above came from individual postings on facebook**

From Skip:
Despite our flight being cancelled and our wake-up-time being advanced to 5 AM, we had a very relaxing and enjoyable day. We drove from Bondo to Kisumu and caught a 9AM flight to Nairobi. The bus that had been transporting us around headed back to Nairobi with little Mary who will have surgery there. She was accompanied by Rosemary, pastor Richard's wife, and Rose the Hatley's daughter.

We arrived at the CMIA Langata compound just before lunch. We spent the entire afternoon playing with children, relaxing, and washing clothes.  Every evening after dinner we have a devotion and discuss the events of the day. We are beginning to focus on plans for activities once we get back. See what a difference a little rest makes. Last night we could hardly see straight.

Thank you for your prayers. {emphasis by Debbi, to thank YOU!}

Tomorrow will be another busy day, but we are ready for it.


From Theresa’s facebook: (Jeff Whisler in the first one)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Praying for Rest

28Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Today was kind of a blur. Sorry for cutting the prose short but we are tired and typing on an iPhone which is hard for me.

Today we:

1.  Visited the Gombe school for the deaf where one of our orphans, George Oching, attends school. There we handed out dubu bears to his entire class and the class next to his. Ryley and Rose signed a greeting to the deaf children George received a bear made by Mary McCrae. The teachers also received bears and candy to give to the children later.

2  Visited the new Gombe pre-primary school where we played with the children, fitted glasses for some of the local folks, observed feeding program, and gave gifts to teachers and Tom who is soon to be ordained as pastor of the school.

3  We then went to the temporary orphanage site where the swing was completed, more eyeglasses were provided, gifts were given to the children, and time was spent with them.

4  Then we went back to the Gombe Church on the Rock for lunch, more eyeglass fitting, gifts to Pastor Samwell, his wife Margerette and their three teenage children. (They have 11 children and grandees). We also paid a visit to Pastor Samwell's nearby house before heading to a Church in a nearby village now sponsored by CMIA and pastored by Richard and his wife Rosemary.

5  Near the end of our travels we stopped by a fishing village on Lake Victoria, the second largest lake in the world.

Everyone is tired but healthy. Tomorrow we fly back to Nairobi.

“Father God, we humbly lift our friends to you.  Give them rest, in body, in mind, in heart and spirit.  Allow them complete rest as they sleep, please let them wake refreshed, invigorated, and with the sure knowledge that all they do matters. Let them sense your joy and peace, and a sense of pride for a job well done for their labor of love.  Fuel their bodies with whatever is needed and bless them in all ways.  In Jesus’ name we ask, Amen”

Thank you for your love and support!
Debbi ~

A Picture is Worth....

Some of these leave me speechless...
(courtesy of Jean Ishmael)

All pictures from prior visits...
Flag Raising Ceremony

Reuben Kids

Feeding Program at Reuben

Kibera Slum

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday in Kenya

I usually try to combine these smaller emails with either posts I’ve seen popping up on facebook, or another email… but thought this was funny, not entirely in a “haha” way – we just prayed on this yesterday in church.  The message below came late last night, in two emails, one was cut off mid-sentence.  I imagine the jouncing was severe enough for Skip to push the wrong button.

Please pray for their bruised bodies and insides!

From Skip:
Yesterday, Sunday the 17th, we went to church at the boys' GCC home at the new farm location in Nakuru. Lots of singing and dancing, and Jeff Whisler did a great job preaching. After lunch at the church we gave gifts to the staff and children and spent time playing with the boys. We then separated for the 6.5 hour trip to Kisumu.

The road was ...interesting. 

Today we are heading to the new Gombe property for a dedication. 

I am trying to type this on my cell phone while bouncing down a bumpy road; hence the brevity. 


Friday, June 15, 2012


More from the team...

A child from the Nairobi slums asked "Do you have slums in America?" If they saw the slums back home, they would think they won the lottery and moved up to a mansion. Eye Opening Day!!

Finally we are here!!! Met kids in Grace Orphanage. So adorable. Obama is his name and he is so adorable. Nancy is 11 years old girl who can sing like Carrie Underwood. Thank you for praying. We are tired but praising for God's faithfulness.

Today was a busy day at CMIA's orphanage, school, clinic, and guesthouse in Langata. We participated in the following activities:

1.     Flag raising ceremony

2.     Visited classrooms Including the new computer and science labs.

3.     Toured the campus.

4.     Photographed the 68 orphans who were present

5.     Assisted the children with writing letters to all of their sponsors.

6.     Fabricated a large swing for Gombe.

7.     Craft activities.

8.     Played soccer.

9.     Set up the new computers and broadband access for the Nakuru boys.

10.   Unloaded 400 lbs. of potatoes, 50 lbs. cabbage and 50 lbs. of bananas.

That's all folks!!!!!


I thought I’d let you read updates in their own words…

From Cindy:
Wow wow wow! We went to youth prison yesterday and it was a dream fulfilled! We ministered to 50 boys and I preached with a translator and God MET us... 17 salvations and the ministry was rich and sweet. Off to open air rap concert with the young pastor who is super good at singing/rap well known in Africa then they do open air preaching.

It was amazing to walk down the trash and sewage-filled street of the Reuben slum again oh The sights, smells and smiles! These bright colored CUPS were again poured. The thing that The Lord was speaking was "BLESSED are the poor in spirit for THEY WILL be filled, BLESSED are the meek, for THEY WILL inherit the earth. I found resolve in God's promise for the "THEY WILL'S. They will be like Him, THEY WILL be emptied of self and cluttered by distractions. Full of love and humility loving NOW for the THEY WILL'S! Hallelujah!

From Karen C
The time difference is so strange. I sent the 'yesterday' email this morning! Funny how that is.
We just got settled,in at the guesthouse. Loooong day but wonderful!

We started out going to the Rueben slum. We were unable to pass on the last road, maybe 100yds total.  So we walked and carried all the supplies. The people were quick with a smile and a wave. For some reason I thought they might be angry or rude to us. Being American and who knows what else's they may think, but almost all smiled back.

As we approached, we could hear the children welcoming us in song, it was beautiful! they are so precious!   They performed first and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Some came up and pulled some of us out to dance with them! I was one and soon all followed. 

Ryley and I did the balloon hats. With a special one for the teachers. This took longer than expected and ran into being the last task accomplished as it was a bigger project than anticipated. Rewarding though.

We returned to the bus the same route and were blessed with even more smiles.

The weather has been wonderfully cool. This morning I was on the porch and had to get my pink fleece jacket.

No need for a coat the rest of the day as it warmed to around 70-75.

Lunch at the Guyas was lovely, a very basic tabbouleh, with some slices of green skinned 'oranges'.

We had a choice in the afternoon to go to the midwifery ministry with Janne or go to the what they called the 'open air' with Martin. I was going to go with Janne but the bus filled up so I went with Martin. What an amazing event !

They setup in a place called Tapassi. Not sure I'm remembering that correctly. We got out and walked to meet the Pastor and see the church with which Martin has coordinated. This is so the people who come forward will have a place at which they can follow up and continue their relationship with Christ. We were there quite a while and was cut short by equipment malfunction, but they had done the 'important stuff' so we headed back to the van and went over to the Guyas for dinner.

Dinner we has an absolutely wonderful stew with lots of very tender meat (goat?). The broth was very tasty and seemed to be made from beans cooked way down so,there was no evidence of beans, just flavor. Also a generous plate of Chipati. Yum! 

Janne said she did not do the cooking, but the clean up after 16-20 is monumental at best as they had no running water at this time. We had  to leave so were unable to help :(

I dozed on the ride back with a few significant head bobs. Made the trip go very fast.
Got back and had our devotional from Karen Young. Very appropriate.
Now It's ni night time.

Tomorrow we are here at Langata for the day! Pictures and letter writing,swing build prep and maybe a craft.

From Skip:
Today the team went to the Church on the Rock and school in the Reuben slum of Nairobi. The children performed for us and we entertained the children in their classrooms. We also were able to help with the feeding program. About 300 children attend this school. The teachers received small gifts from the team as well.

From there we all went to Janne and Martin's house for a quick lunch.  After that some of the women went to the Pipeline to see the berthing place while the rest went onto the Tassai slum to set up for an open air presentation. Those who went to the midwifery room joined the rest of us shortly thereafter at the open air where Martin and his friends rapped, sang and preached. Skip gave a short gospel message and Tracy gave a testimony. Several people received Christ that evening and were introduced to a nearby church.

Following the open air we all retuned to Martin and Janne's for a great dinner. A full day indeed.

From me:
God bless your hearts; thank you for your love and prayers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Still looking for Fasting Warriors for the following dates:
June 16; 17; 22; 23; 27; 28 and 30th; July 1 & 2nd... Please pray and consider doing this powerful ministry ~ many thanks!

Leave a comment here, if you'd like to sign up for a date!


No internet, and no cell service delayed our update!  Still no internet, but cell service is back!  Don't ya love technology? 

So yesterday (for them), was spent with Martin & Jannekah!  First, they went to the Kimati Prison.  This is for first time offenders.  I believe their sentence are three months in length, and it's mostly youths and young adults.  If another offense is committed, the sentence is harsher - this first one gives them a second chance.  **No word on this, but during our packing I saw many gifts slated for the boys here, specifically toiletries and underwear ~ I know the boys were thankful!**

The young men sang and danced for them; Martin rapped and gave a message.  Cindy also gave a message, supported by Jeff and Tracy and Michael delivered a testimonial.  Jace "busted a move" with the them, and the team really liked the boys :)

Today (it's 6:30am, Thursday), they plan to visit the Reuben slum with David & Jennifer... I can't remember if they'll be doing one of the feeding programs - it had been mentioned, but Skip didn't include any info on that. 

Later in the afternoon, they'll get back with Janne and Martin, where some will go check out the mid-wifery ministry and others will hang with Gooya Martin and do open air evangelism!

"God has been good as always and everyone is well." -- Skip Mercer

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


CMIA Guesthouse ~ courtesy of Jean Ishmael
So, the Team left Sunday, most low on sleep and anxious.  They arrived in Dubai after 14 hours of flying with a bit of an incident.  One of the team members fainted on the plane to Dubai and cut her lip, but Skip assured me today she’s doing much better!

They had a nice breakfast in the Dubai airport hotel; were rested, but the heat was oppressive.  Nairobi’s temps were a “much comfortable” 78° - until they started unloading 2000 + pounds of luggage!  Then it got warm again! J

They’ve checked into CMIA’s new guesthouse, and really like it.  They’ve all had a yummy spaghetti dinner prepared by Felix, the chef, and hopefully have had a peaceful, restful sleep (it’s about 4:30am).  Actually hoping they’re still sleeping!

Tomorrow, they meet up with Martin & Janne Guya… and the adventures that await them!

Stay tuned for more adventures, and keep them in your prayers!

Debbi Cotter

Time Zone Map

Attaching this link for your convenience

So we know when they're sleeping and when they're awake! :)

They should be deplaning in Nairobi as we "speak"!

Monday, June 11, 2012


They've completed the first leg of the trip, arriving when anticipated.

Unfortunately, there was a minor incident.  Tracy fell on the plane (not sure if while in flight, or while boarding/deboarding) and cut her lip.  She's had stitches.  They've asked for a speedy, and painless recovery.

THANK YOU for your prayers!  Hoping all are tucked in their beds, sleeping well!
Debbi ~

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Theresa & Pete ~ thank you for the beautiful note © 

Emirates Airlines comped four 70lb bags, along with discounts on the Hotel at the Dubai Airport!  All are on board, flight leaves in 10 minutes!!

Leading up to today, the group was anxious, low on sleep and stressed.  Tho many woke too early today, on the whole, this morning the group was at peace!  The church family sent them off covered in prayer and love!

Keep them lifted up to the Lord in prayer for safety, fun, success and a heart changing mission ~ for all!
Stay tuned, as I will keep you as updated as I can!
Love, Debbi ~

Give us today our daily bread.

This is the day you've worked hard for!  REJOICE! It is here!  Rest in HIM, knowing HE brought you to this day!  Go forth in HIS strength!  HE IS WITH YOU!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

“…a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.” Mark12:42

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tres días!!!

OR tatu mchana as they say in Swahili!!!


For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Philippians 4:4-9

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:4-9

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

“…Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as anyone else’s. So they feasted and drank freely with him.” Genesis 43:34

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9

Monday, June 4, 2012

Be Praying for...

This week:
·         Health; that no one gets sick while away; health for family members; no side effects from any of the shots they’ve had to take

·         Sleep; both now and in & getting to Kenya

·         Clarity of mind – especially this week as they’re winding things down at home/work, and gearing up for leaving; getting organized

·         How best to serve

·         Safety

·         Strength/stamina during the trip; focus on projects & ministries

·         Prayer for family unity and protection while away

·         To remember to pack important items like medicines, cash, necessary documents