Monday, June 25, 2012

Last Days...

I LOVE the "tease" in Skip's second paragraph... the only way to know what the morning surprise was is to sign on for the next trip… unless you catch someone off guard and they spill the beans!!  Sounds intriguing!

The team leaves in less than 24 hours (5am local time Wednesday; 7pm Seattle time Tuesday), or the start of their travel to the airport and beyond.  They’ll be spending their time packing, traveling and saying their goodbyes.  Please be praying for traveling mercies, protection, peace for the journey, relaxation, processing and clarity and most important to hear God’s voice on what HE wants them to take from this trip.

Reminder: Most of the team arrives 1:40pm, Wednesday, June 27th; Emiratis flight EK229, and after going thru Customs you’ll see their smiling faces, tho maybe tired faces.  However, TWO members are remaining in Dubai for a little over a day, so please keep Donna and Joyce in your hearts and prayers.  They arrive Friday – I do not have their flight info.

I doubt they’ll have time for another update, but if so I will pass that along… I have enjoyed keeping you informed!
Debbi -

From Donna:
Rhino girl and baby - double check. Leopard hunting in the morning. Last chance.

Another great day in paradise. Two safaris today and many more animals added to the list including a lion eating its zebra kill (15-20 feet from us), rhinos, hyenas, warthogs, and more. We also saw a lioness climb a tree and her cub then followed. Don't plan on getting away from a lion by climbing a tree.

We had a huge surprise after this morning's safari but you must come here yourself to find out what it is.

Some of our folks went to a Masai village today and others went to a Masai dance at the hotel, and others just relaxed around the pool.

We will continue to celebrate Alice's birthday tonight at dinner.

We are all blown away by the contrast between this place and what we have recently experienced.
After the safari tomorrow (we still have not seen the leopard) we will start the long journey home after a brief stop at the orphanage in Langata.

{all photos off the internet}

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