Friday, June 22, 2012

Pictures or words cannot adequately describe...

“Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?  Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:24b; 25

Feed My Babies Video: (filmed at the Rueben Slum)

Today’s plan: Shopping, lunch; followed by more pictures and letter writing.  Tomorrow, more time with the Langata children, a “special ministry” which includes a pizza party!  Please keep them lifted in prayer as things start to wind down.  Individually as well as a group, they’ll process all they’ve seen, touched, experienced… which can be overwhelming.  Continued prayer for protection, health, rest and joy!

From Donna:
Last full day of mission ministries...visited the Nikuri slums, very poor conditions, not even basic needs are met there unless you consider living next to a sewage and garbage dump in a closet size room made from scraps of metal, wood and cloth. Ended the day in a boarding school with high school age kids listening to Gôôýä Martin rap and talk. Tomorrow is shopping day, hard to think about shopping when kids here are hungry and living on survival mode :(

From Tracy:
This day began with visit to Kibera slum. We visited other slums before but this one was just overwhelming. Then we joined rapper Martin Guya and his team at Le Pic school and I had privilege to give testimony along with three other team members. it was so cool to see how Holy Spirit ordained each message and 60 high school kids accepted Christ!!!!

From Skip:
This morning the entire team visited the Kibera slum. This Nairobi slum is the second largest on the African continent. While there we went to the CMIA Church on the Rock, school, and feeding program. The feeding program feeds 1400 to 1600 kids every day and measurably improves their potential. We gave gifts to the teachers and children and took a short walking tour through a part of the slum. Pictures or words cannot adequately describe what we experienced.
We returned to our home base in Langata for lunch and then most of the team went out to meet Martin and Jannekah while some of the team stayed in Langata to attend classrooms and play with the kids.

Those meeting Martin, Janne, and Martin's ministry team joined them at the Le Pic boarding school for boys and girls. The school has 820 students and about half of them board there. Martin and his team performed for the high school students (about 300) and thoroughly enjoyed it. They were also blessed by testimonies and prayer from Tracy, Donna, Jace, Jeff, and Cindy.  Afterwards the school provided tea and pastries and before we left Janne arranged for the delivery of a bag of samosas for our bus ride home. 

Tonight Karen Lange gave a devotion from Romans chapter seven.

Thank you again for all your prayers.

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