Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday in Kenya

I usually try to combine these smaller emails with either posts I’ve seen popping up on facebook, or another email… but thought this was funny, not entirely in a “haha” way – we just prayed on this yesterday in church.  The message below came late last night, in two emails, one was cut off mid-sentence.  I imagine the jouncing was severe enough for Skip to push the wrong button.

Please pray for their bruised bodies and insides!

From Skip:
Yesterday, Sunday the 17th, we went to church at the boys' GCC home at the new farm location in Nakuru. Lots of singing and dancing, and Jeff Whisler did a great job preaching. After lunch at the church we gave gifts to the staff and children and spent time playing with the boys. We then separated for the 6.5 hour trip to Kisumu.

The road was ...interesting. 

Today we are heading to the new Gombe property for a dedication. 

I am trying to type this on my cell phone while bouncing down a bumpy road; hence the brevity. 


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