Wednesday, June 13, 2012


No internet, and no cell service delayed our update!  Still no internet, but cell service is back!  Don't ya love technology? 

So yesterday (for them), was spent with Martin & Jannekah!  First, they went to the Kimati Prison.  This is for first time offenders.  I believe their sentence are three months in length, and it's mostly youths and young adults.  If another offense is committed, the sentence is harsher - this first one gives them a second chance.  **No word on this, but during our packing I saw many gifts slated for the boys here, specifically toiletries and underwear ~ I know the boys were thankful!**

The young men sang and danced for them; Martin rapped and gave a message.  Cindy also gave a message, supported by Jeff and Tracy and Michael delivered a testimonial.  Jace "busted a move" with the them, and the team really liked the boys :)

Today (it's 6:30am, Thursday), they plan to visit the Reuben slum with David & Jennifer... I can't remember if they'll be doing one of the feeding programs - it had been mentioned, but Skip didn't include any info on that. 

Later in the afternoon, they'll get back with Janne and Martin, where some will go check out the mid-wifery ministry and others will hang with Gooya Martin and do open air evangelism!

"God has been good as always and everyone is well." -- Skip Mercer

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