Thursday, June 21, 2012


Heard from lots of people… enjoy!

From Alice:
Hello, everyone! Still in Kenya. Keeping really busy. Learning and experiencing a LOT.

Who would have thought having a sit down toilet was a luxury item? Just completed a 5 day tour of West Kenya! Amazing scenery and people!

We are back to Langata after being in Kisumu and Gombe. We were super touched to see Feed My Babies sign and even more see the 500 children all walking in from the field for the Cup of porridge (Tracy had a dream in Nov. of many African orphans coming in from the field:) ). What an overwhelming joy to SEE the difference FMB is making. Also, dedicated the Gombe church as well. We are all well. Going to Kibera slum tomorrow and Yani and Martin's in the eve. Shopping Friday. We have done straight ministry since we arrived so looking forward to it. We have not been out to lunch dinner yet. But GOOD ministry. Tracy did a documentary video of our scary room in bondo. Hillarious!

Back in Nairobi from 5 days on the road visiting several orphanages and brand new church on the Rock dedication. What a sight it was to see 500 children running to receive porridge..fields and fields of them. feed My Babies is the only feeding program in entire county. When God called me to Feed My Babies, He said to me,"open thy mouth and I will fill it"
all the promises of God are "yes"

From Tracy via Rob Unoki (on Tracy’s facebook):
Just got the most amazing email from Tracy sharing their experience visiting the Feed My Babies feeding station partnering with Christian Ministries In Africa...

"We did a lot but the high light of last 5 days were when we visited Gombe. As bus drove to gombe, we saw feed my babies sign. We were part of another new church on the rock dedication. That was special. Then it was lunch time and we saw kids running towards us for porridge. They keep coming many of them...500 to be exact. That was the exact vision god gave me in my dream while back. God is doing amazing work here through CMIA. We are the only feeding program in this county."

PTL for his goodness and all of you who support Feed My Babies and CMIA. Your resources are making a difference and changing lives!

From Karen C
Just back from Gombe, (gom bay) Village, in east Africa by Lake Victoria. If you find Kisumu,it is very close.

We traveled by small bus (capacity 20) and drove six hours the first day. The country is lush and green. We spotted a thunder storm ahead and stopped on the side if the road to secure a tarp over the luggage on the roof. The roads were under repair and travel was slower than usual. Lots of bumps, some made by nature others by man. Travel on the 'freeway is interesting that there are double bump speed bumps, sometimes triple bumps, placed usually by small towns but they come up randomly as well. So consistent speed travel is non-existent.

We thankfully made it safely back to Langata in Nairobi by plane. It was a thirty'five minute flight. Sure beats eight hours on the bus. Have yet to see other than zebras, any large wild animals. Lots of cows, goats, sheep and chickens. While we were eating lunch in Gombe, a rooster joined us in the room. He was evidently escaping the rath of the head rooster. The children loved their bears And quillows.

**All excerpts above came from individual postings on facebook**

From Skip:
Despite our flight being cancelled and our wake-up-time being advanced to 5 AM, we had a very relaxing and enjoyable day. We drove from Bondo to Kisumu and caught a 9AM flight to Nairobi. The bus that had been transporting us around headed back to Nairobi with little Mary who will have surgery there. She was accompanied by Rosemary, pastor Richard's wife, and Rose the Hatley's daughter.

We arrived at the CMIA Langata compound just before lunch. We spent the entire afternoon playing with children, relaxing, and washing clothes.  Every evening after dinner we have a devotion and discuss the events of the day. We are beginning to focus on plans for activities once we get back. See what a difference a little rest makes. Last night we could hardly see straight.

Thank you for your prayers. {emphasis by Debbi, to thank YOU!}

Tomorrow will be another busy day, but we are ready for it.


From Theresa’s facebook: (Jeff Whisler in the first one)

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