Friday, June 15, 2012


More from the team...

A child from the Nairobi slums asked "Do you have slums in America?" If they saw the slums back home, they would think they won the lottery and moved up to a mansion. Eye Opening Day!!

Finally we are here!!! Met kids in Grace Orphanage. So adorable. Obama is his name and he is so adorable. Nancy is 11 years old girl who can sing like Carrie Underwood. Thank you for praying. We are tired but praising for God's faithfulness.

Today was a busy day at CMIA's orphanage, school, clinic, and guesthouse in Langata. We participated in the following activities:

1.     Flag raising ceremony

2.     Visited classrooms Including the new computer and science labs.

3.     Toured the campus.

4.     Photographed the 68 orphans who were present

5.     Assisted the children with writing letters to all of their sponsors.

6.     Fabricated a large swing for Gombe.

7.     Craft activities.

8.     Played soccer.

9.     Set up the new computers and broadband access for the Nakuru boys.

10.   Unloaded 400 lbs. of potatoes, 50 lbs. cabbage and 50 lbs. of bananas.

That's all folks!!!!!


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