Friday, June 15, 2012

I thought I’d let you read updates in their own words…

From Cindy:
Wow wow wow! We went to youth prison yesterday and it was a dream fulfilled! We ministered to 50 boys and I preached with a translator and God MET us... 17 salvations and the ministry was rich and sweet. Off to open air rap concert with the young pastor who is super good at singing/rap well known in Africa then they do open air preaching.

It was amazing to walk down the trash and sewage-filled street of the Reuben slum again oh The sights, smells and smiles! These bright colored CUPS were again poured. The thing that The Lord was speaking was "BLESSED are the poor in spirit for THEY WILL be filled, BLESSED are the meek, for THEY WILL inherit the earth. I found resolve in God's promise for the "THEY WILL'S. They will be like Him, THEY WILL be emptied of self and cluttered by distractions. Full of love and humility loving NOW for the THEY WILL'S! Hallelujah!

From Karen C
The time difference is so strange. I sent the 'yesterday' email this morning! Funny how that is.
We just got settled,in at the guesthouse. Loooong day but wonderful!

We started out going to the Rueben slum. We were unable to pass on the last road, maybe 100yds total.  So we walked and carried all the supplies. The people were quick with a smile and a wave. For some reason I thought they might be angry or rude to us. Being American and who knows what else's they may think, but almost all smiled back.

As we approached, we could hear the children welcoming us in song, it was beautiful! they are so precious!   They performed first and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Some came up and pulled some of us out to dance with them! I was one and soon all followed. 

Ryley and I did the balloon hats. With a special one for the teachers. This took longer than expected and ran into being the last task accomplished as it was a bigger project than anticipated. Rewarding though.

We returned to the bus the same route and were blessed with even more smiles.

The weather has been wonderfully cool. This morning I was on the porch and had to get my pink fleece jacket.

No need for a coat the rest of the day as it warmed to around 70-75.

Lunch at the Guyas was lovely, a very basic tabbouleh, with some slices of green skinned 'oranges'.

We had a choice in the afternoon to go to the midwifery ministry with Janne or go to the what they called the 'open air' with Martin. I was going to go with Janne but the bus filled up so I went with Martin. What an amazing event !

They setup in a place called Tapassi. Not sure I'm remembering that correctly. We got out and walked to meet the Pastor and see the church with which Martin has coordinated. This is so the people who come forward will have a place at which they can follow up and continue their relationship with Christ. We were there quite a while and was cut short by equipment malfunction, but they had done the 'important stuff' so we headed back to the van and went over to the Guyas for dinner.

Dinner we has an absolutely wonderful stew with lots of very tender meat (goat?). The broth was very tasty and seemed to be made from beans cooked way down so,there was no evidence of beans, just flavor. Also a generous plate of Chipati. Yum! 

Janne said she did not do the cooking, but the clean up after 16-20 is monumental at best as they had no running water at this time. We had  to leave so were unable to help :(

I dozed on the ride back with a few significant head bobs. Made the trip go very fast.
Got back and had our devotional from Karen Young. Very appropriate.
Now It's ni night time.

Tomorrow we are here at Langata for the day! Pictures and letter writing,swing build prep and maybe a craft.

From Skip:
Today the team went to the Church on the Rock and school in the Reuben slum of Nairobi. The children performed for us and we entertained the children in their classrooms. We also were able to help with the feeding program. About 300 children attend this school. The teachers received small gifts from the team as well.

From there we all went to Janne and Martin's house for a quick lunch.  After that some of the women went to the Pipeline to see the berthing place while the rest went onto the Tassai slum to set up for an open air presentation. Those who went to the midwifery room joined the rest of us shortly thereafter at the open air where Martin and his friends rapped, sang and preached. Skip gave a short gospel message and Tracy gave a testimony. Several people received Christ that evening and were introduced to a nearby church.

Following the open air we all retuned to Martin and Janne's for a great dinner. A full day indeed.

From me:
God bless your hearts; thank you for your love and prayers!

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