Sunday, June 24, 2012

Masaai Mara Serengeti

This morning we boarded a flight from a commuter terminal to the Masai Mara section of the Serengeti. After a gourmet lunch (the Serene lodge is four star and has its own desert chef) the team loaded into three separate vehicles for a safari. During the two hour trip we saw:  elephants, gazelles, impalas, topi, crocodiles, hippos, guinea fowl, cheetah, giraffe, zebras, jackals, enormous vultures, plovers, cape buffalo, lizards, mongoose, and others I forgot.

After a marvelous dinner we had a short meeting before retiring to rooms that emulate cave dwellings but are very luxurious. That reminds me, we also saw baboons. We must be careful to not leave our windows open if we leave our rooms because the baboons will come in and steal stuff.

Tomorrow morning another safari before breakfast.


{all pictures off the internet}

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