Tuesday, June 12, 2012


CMIA Guesthouse ~ courtesy of Jean Ishmael
So, the Team left Sunday, most low on sleep and anxious.  They arrived in Dubai after 14 hours of flying with a bit of an incident.  One of the team members fainted on the plane to Dubai and cut her lip, but Skip assured me today she’s doing much better!

They had a nice breakfast in the Dubai airport hotel; were rested, but the heat was oppressive.  Nairobi’s temps were a “much comfortable” 78° - until they started unloading 2000 + pounds of luggage!  Then it got warm again! J

They’ve checked into CMIA’s new guesthouse, and really like it.  They’ve all had a yummy spaghetti dinner prepared by Felix, the chef, and hopefully have had a peaceful, restful sleep (it’s about 4:30am).  Actually hoping they’re still sleeping!

Tomorrow, they meet up with Martin & Janne Guya… and the adventures that await them!

Stay tuned for more adventures, and keep them in your prayers!

Debbi Cotter

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